Gravel Yardage Calculator – Cubic Yards Calculator From Tonnage

Gravel Yardage Calculator

Gravel Yardage Calculator

Here is the Gravel Volume Converter Cubic Yards Calculator From Tonnage

Gravel Volume Converter


Gravel Yardage Calculation

To determine the amount of gravel needed for a project, you need to calculate the surface area based on the shape and dimensions, and then multiply it by the desired gravel depth.

For a Square Area: Area = Side length × Side length

For a Rectangle Area: Area = Length × Width

For a Rectangle Border Area: Area = 2 × (Length + Width) × Border Width

For a Circle Area: Area = π × Radius^2

For a Circle Border Area: Area = π × (Outer Radius^2 – Inner Radius^2)

For an Annulus Area (ring shape): Area = π × (Outer Radius^2 – Inner Radius^2)

For a Triangle Area: Area = 1/2 × Base × Height

For a Trapezoid Area: Area = 1/2 × (Base 1 + Base 2) × Height

Once you have measured square units multiply them with gravel depth in feet or inches to get volume in cubic units. Finally, divide this volume by 27 as there are 27 cubic feet per cubic yard to convert it to cubic yards.

Cubic Yards Calculation from Tons

To convert tons of gravel to cubic yards, know the density of the gravel material.

Typical densities for gravels range from around 1.4 to 1.7 tons per cubic yard. For purposes of this example, we shall use a density equal to 1.5 tons/cubic yard.

Calculating Cubic Yards from Tons:

Cubic Yards=Tons/Density(in tons/cubic yard).

For example, if you have ten tons of gravel :

Cubic Yards=10tons/1.5tons/cubic yard

Cubic Yards=6.67cubic yards

Remember that density can vary depending on what type of gravel, how much moisture it contains, and compactions levels among other things so always check for the specific density to make any calculations accurately.


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I'm Steve Axton, a dedicated Asphalt Construction Manager with over 25 years of experience paving the future of infrastructure. My journey with asphalt began by studying civil engineering and learning about core pavement materials like aggregate, binder and additives that compose this durable and versatile substance. I gained hands-on experience with production processes including refining, mixing and transporting during my internships, which opened my eyes to real-world uses on roads, driveways and parking lots. Over the past decades, I have deepened my expertise in asphalt properties like viscosity, permeability and testing procedures like Marshall stability and abrasion. My time with respected construction companies has honed my skills in paving techniques like milling, compaction and curing as well as maintenance activities like crack filling, resurfacing and recycling methods. I'm grateful for the knowledge I've gained about standards from Superpave to sustainability best practices that balance longevity, cost and environmental friendliness. It's been an incredibly rewarding career working with this complex material to build the infrastructure future.

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