Asphalt Base Course Calculator


The formula for Calculation of Asphalt Base Course in Road:

  1. Find out the dimensions (Width and thickness)
  2. Calculate Volume of Asphalt = (Long * Width * Thickness) m^3
  3. Find out the density of Asphalt (145 lbs/cft to 2330 Kg/m3)
  4. Calculate the quantity of Asphalt= ( Density* Volume)/1000
  5. Use the Compaction Factor for ABC (1.23% – 1.26% in Asphalt)
  6. Total Weight of Asphalt with Compaction Factor = Quantity of AWC x Compaction Factor
  7. Calculate No of Dump Trucks = Total Weight of ABC Asphalt in Tones / Material in One Dump Truck Given Data

(Example): Material in One Dump Truck = 24 Ton No of Dump Trucks = Total Weight of ABC Asphalt in Tones / Material in One Dump Truck

No of Dump Trucks = 650.070 / 24 = 27.09 Trucks

Asphalt Base Course: A Critical Component of Pavement Structure

As an asphalt paving expert with over 20+ years of experience, the base layer is one of the most important components of a durable, high-performing roadway. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll answer all your key questions about the asphalt base course to provide helpful insights for engineers, contractors, and other industry professionals.

What is the Base Course of an Asphalt Road?

The base course (also called base layer) is the layer of aggregate material that sits directly underneath the asphalt paving on a roadway. It provides key foundational support for the asphalt-wearing surface on top.

Essentially, the base course transfers vehicle loads from the pavement above down to the subgrade below. It must maintain its structural integrity through loading, variable climate conditions, and fatigue over time.

Base course is typically composed of crushed gravel or limestone aggregate formulated to provide shear strength, stability, and drainage capacity. Proper base course construction is imperative for long-lasting pavement.

How Does Base Course Differ from the Asphalt Wearing Surface?

There are a few key differences between the asphalt base course vs. the asphalt wearing course:


Base course uses unbound aggregate. Wearing course uses hot mix asphalt (HMA).


Base provides foundational support and drainage. Wearing surface sustains tire abrasion and traffic wear.

Layer thickness

Base course is thicker, ranging from 4-12 inches. The wearing course is 1.5-3 inches.


Base course is compacted to high densities. The wearing course is compacted to 3-8% air voids.


The base uses basic crushing and screening. The wearing course is precisely manufactured by HMA.


The base is inexpensive compared to the higher-quality wearing mix.

Understanding these differences is key for proper pavement design and construction sequencing.

What is the Minimum Thickness of Asphalt Base Course?

The required thickness of the ABC layer depends on several factors:

Traffic loading

Heavier traffic volumes and vehicle weights demand a thicker base course.

Subgrade strength

Weaker, less stable subgrades need thicker bases.

Pavement structure

The total thickness of asphalt layers on top affects base needs.

Climate conditions

Colder regions with deeper frost require thicker bases.

For lightly traveled residential streets, 4 inches of base course may suffice over a strong subgrade. But major highways may require 10-12 inches over weak soils, plus a thick asphalt section on top.

As a general rule of thumb:

  • Low-volume roads: 4 to 6 inches base course.
  • Collector streets: 6 to 8 inches.
  • Arterial highways: 8 to 12 inches.

However, detailed pavement thickness design analyses should be performed to determine the optimal ABC thickness for specific projects.

Typical Base Course Thickness in Roadways

Here are some typical asphalt base course thicknesses used under various road classifications:

  • Local residential streets: 4 to 6 inches
  • Local commercial streets: 6 to 8 inches
  • Collector streets: 7 to 10 inches
  • Minor arterial highways: 8 to 10 inches
  • Major arterials and freeways: 10 to 12 inches

For major highways, it is common to place ABC in multiple layers, with the bottom layer being thicker crushed stone. This provides extra support.

It’s critical to note that these values are general rules of thumb. Proper pavement thickness design procedures should be followed to determine suitable thicknesses based on traffic, soils, climate, and reliability factors.

How Do You Calculate the Asphalt Base Amount?

While rules of thumb provide initial thickness estimates, professional pavement design uses analytical methods to optimize the ABC layer. Key steps include:

  1. Subgrade Evaluation: Assess subgrade soil conditions through testing and sampling.
  2. Traffic Analysis: Estimate current and future traffic volumes and loading conditions.
  3. Select Design Method: Use empirical or mechanistic-empirical procedures like the 1993 AASHTO Guide.
  4. Perform Analysis: Analyze layered sections using software to determine stresses and strains.
  5. Evaluate Results: Check computed values against failure criteria like subgrade rutting.
  6. Optimize Thickness: Adjust layer thicknesses until pavement life criteria are met.
  7. Quantity Takeoff: Compute the total base course quantity required based on area, thickness, and adjustments.

Following proper thickness design procedures results in the most cost-effective ABC layer to achieve the target pavement life. It balances performance needs with initial construction costs.

What Aggregate Size is Used for Asphalt Base?

Asphalt base aggregate gradations generally follow these specifications:

  • Maximum particle size: 1.5 to 2.5 inches.
  • Passing 3/4” sieve: 95-100%
  • Passing No. 4 sieve: 30-60%
  • Passing No. 200 sieve: 5-12%

Larger aggregate provides shear strength. Fines create cohesion and stabilization. This balanced gradation creates a strong, stable base.

The maximum size is often limited by the thickness. For example, 1.5” stone is appropriate for 4” base. Thicker base layers can accommodate larger 2-3” stone.

The gradation may also be varied to tune drainage characteristics. An open-graded base can quickly drain water. A finer mix prevents pumping but reduces flow.

How Many Inches is Typical Asphalt Base Thickness?

While thickness varies based on conditions, here are some typical asphalt base course layer depths:

  • Low-volume residential streets: 4 to 6 inches
  • Parking lots and driveways: 4 to 6 inches
  • City collector streets: 6 to 8 inches
  • State highways: 8 to 10 inches
  • Interstate freeways: 10 to 12 inches

For heavy traffic Interstates, the base may be placed in multiple lifts, like:

  • 4 inches of crushed aggregate sub-base
  • 6 inches of standard ABC
  • 2 inches of modified ABC

Splitting the base course into layers with different mixes provides structural benefits. The bottom lifts provide drainage and foundation, while the top layer ties in directly to the asphalt pavement.

You can calculate asphalt tonnage by using our calculators.

What Makes the Best Base for Asphalt Paving?

The highest-performing base aggregates have these ideal characteristics:

  • Shear strength – Ability to handle vehicle loads without lateral movement. Provided by angular crushed stone.
  • Stiffness – Resistance to deformation under compressive loads. Achieved with a stable open-graded mix.
  • Durability – Resistance to fracturing and abrasion from construction and traffic. High-quality crushed aggregates perform best.
  • Permeability – Ability to allow water to flow through and drain. A balanced mix of stone sizes with sufficient voids.
  • Workability – Ability to be compacted effectively during construction. Well-graded mixes are easier to compact fully.
  • Affordability – Availability of cost-effective aggregates meeting requirements. Locally sourced materials are ideal.

By optimizing these properties during mix design, the highest quality base course can be produced using locally available materials.

How Many Layers of Asphalt Are Typically Used on Roads?

A full-depth asphalt pavement structure consists of:

  • Subgrade – The native soil is prepared as the foundation.
  • Base course – Layer of crushed stone aggregate.
  • Asphalt base course – Optional lower asphalt layer, often omitted.
  • Asphalt binder course – Intermediate asphalt lift.
  • Asphalt surface course – Top wearing layer.

So a typical highway asphalt pavement might include:

While a lower-volume street could be just:

  • 6 inches Aggregate Base Course
  • 2 inches Asphalt Binder Course
  • 1-inch Asphalt Surface Course

More extensive multi-lift asphalt pavement structures with up to 5 layers are often used on major highways and airfields. The number and thickness of layers depend on traffic needs, subgrade conditions, and construction sequencing.

The asphalt base course provides the critical structural foundation for pavement. Optimizing its design thickness and material properties results in long-lasting roads that can sustain traffic loads over decades. Understanding base course best practices will lead to smart design and construction decisions. Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions!

Industry Standard Questions Answered

What specifications should quality asphalt base course mixes meet?

All our asphalt base course mixes comply with state DOT standards like Superpave protocols for durability. This governs aggregate structure, binder grades meeting PG specifications, plus volumetric properties during mixing including air void, VMA, VFA, and dust proportion limits that translate to long-term performance when properly compacted. We also confirm shear resistance thresholds on our own Hamburg Wheel testers predictive of heavy traffic survival.

What is the optimal density for compacted asphalt base course layers?

Shoot for 92-96% density compared to lab-molded specimens. At least 92% ensures suitable strength to reinforce wearing courses against deformation. Reaching 96% makes subsequent lifts easier to seat. I require the inspection of extracted cores from finished mats to validate uniform compaction meeting specifications using calibrated nuclear gauge testing in our labs.

How hot should the asphalt base course be both during transport and laydown?

Maintain temperatures between 300-320°F throughout delivery, spread, and initial breakdown rolling until around 250°F. This lets the hot mix easily coat aggregate before cooling while still pliable enough for consecutive compactor passes to hit specified density without push-shoving. Discard mixes under 275°F. Temperature is huge for workability without thermal segregation issues.

Should the same asphalt mix be used for the base course and wearing course?

Definitely not – the gradation and binder purposes between the structural base course and friction-wearing course differ substantially. The base uses larger stone sizes with modified binders to provide reinforced load-spreading durability underneath. Wearing demands much finer, gap-graded mixes with more binder for immediate surface grip and impermeability. Two customized products engineered in harmony achieve long-term objectives.

How is optimum asphalt base course thickness determined?

By modeling a pavement section’s structural number capacity needed to sustain projected traffic loads through the design lifespan. This accounts for existing subgrade strength, frost depth, and reliability risk thresholds set. The total section depth is allocated proportionally between the base and wearing course based on their relative objectives – structural layers carrying heavier burdens. Sophisticated – but this avoids premature distress.

Why is thicker asphalt base costlier on bids but better for long-term ownership?

No question that excessive base elevates upfront materials price over simplified rules-of-thumb. However, lasting high-quality ride performance correlates directly to structural competency engineering. Paying extra for a durable foundation preventing early cracking or rutting pays dividends for decades via avoided rehab costs and traffic delays from premature repairs later. Wise owners understand lifecycle cost savings outweigh initial overruns.

What Marshall Mix design targets should quality base course asphalt meet?

Requirements evolve but currently aim for 4-6% air voids, and 13-15% VMA voids in mineral aggregate while minimizing dust proportions. This balances stability and longevity. I ensure final volumetric compositions align with regional DOT specifications through verified testing on production runs. We never just “eyeball” batch targets – precision mix engineering begets precise field outcomes.

How do base and wearing courses differ functionally on asphalt roads?

Base course layers provide reinforced heavy load-bearing structural capacity to resist deformation from traffic stresses reaching lower subsurface zones over long durations. This relies on thicker lifts with larger Stone mixes bound by modified binders. Wearing courses focus chiefly on immediate surface grip, friction, and waterproofing protection of the underlying base using thin lifts with fine, binder-rich gap-graded smooth mixes for drivability.

What common materials are used for constructing quality asphalt base courses?

The best base courses blend high crushed stone content between 1” down to fines meeting Superpave banding gradations for interlock stability while calibrated penetration or performance-grade modified binders ensure durability. Optimized mineral filler dust and RAP percentages strengthen cohesion and compatibility. We test assorted job-specificCUSTOM recipes extensively before project commitments aiming for 15+ year survival rates.

How should severe utility repairs be remediated under critical asphalt base sections?

Breakout trenching damage necessitates full-depth repair. Saw-cut intact edges, compact substrate, and adjoining areas first. Apply tack coat before inserting a minimum 8-inch lift of matching base course utilizing a small paver, then compact thoroughly with overlapping roller patterns. Replace wearing course last after 2-hour cure to permit unhindered rolling. No quick infrared or spray injection fixes please – needs durable hot mixed section replication.

What issues arise from insufficient asphalt base course thickness on new roads?

A Skimpy base allows underlying moisture access leading to softened subgrades, and compromising support. Cracking then compounds from overloaded surface courses as traffic wears the weaker platform. Premature fatigue rutting and deterioration result. When rehabbing, mill out badly distressed layers until they find properly intact thicknesses, then rebuild with adequate structural layers to current specifications avoiding further degradation.

How does harsh winter weather impact the construction of quality asphalt bases?

Season matters big time. Never place bases over frozen or wet conditions without proper depth crushed stone curing protection. Ensure substrate lays above 40°F, use rapid compaction equipment, and schedule for maximum solar warming benefit through mid-day temperature peaks. Cold mixes lack performance. Be prepared to protect fresh mats, suspend paving, or accelerate set rates as conditions dictate if weather jumps during operations.

Why is achieving consistent compaction vital across entire asphalt base course sections?

Even minor density variations severely degrade durability as thinner areas ravel apart once opened traffic cutting channels allowing unchecked water invasion damaging structural integrity. This mushroomed destruction compounds exponentially over time as adjacent zones crumble from overloaded stress no longer laterally distributed. I mandate thorough, monitored rolling patterns hitting 93% minimums everywhere before wearing placement.

How does underlying soil strength influence thickness recommendations for asphalt bases during design?

Weaker soils demand thicker bases to bridge stability voids protecting overall pavementcompetency. Double base depth when CBRs halve; a 16-inch special load-spreading base atop low CBR3 swamp clay creates an equal outcome to just a 6-inch base over well-drained CBR7 sands. Geotechnical analysis guides economic structural allocations balancing soil improvements, drainage, and robust bases as conditions dictate.

Why is milling off badly damaged asphalt recommended over thin overlay rehabs?

Milling removes visibly distorted layers exposing competent thickness to rebuild upon rather than masking major issues with short-term low-cost skin patches almost guaranteeing rapid recurrence as subdeck failures compound. While I appreciate bid restraints, lasting remedies require attacking core problems, not superficial symptoms. Pulverized milled asphalt also recycles well for sizable cost and environmental offsets during rebuilds.

How do rising oil prices impact the cost outlook for asphalt base course production?

Petroleum derivatives closely track crude pricing so spikes hit our major binder components like PG-graded paving cements hard. This translates into higher budget estimates on contracts extending into future construction seasons. However, contractors do hedge against some volatility using bulk contracted supply agreements with major refineries when possible. I watch production indices closely when projecting longer job timelines and advise clients accordingly.

Why is following manufacturer guidelines vital when incorporating recycled asphalt into fresh base mixes?

While reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) offers useful sustainability benefits, over-blending unknown aged binders alters carefully calibrated mix performance properties. We laboratory validate precise proportions meeting target volumetrics and stability per DOT mix protocols. Just because old pavement gets milled up and returns to plants doesn’t automatically make it a qualified ingredient until fully characterized through testing.

How should severe block foundation cracks extending under asphalt bases be mitigated?

After full depth saw cutting the bay perimeter and removing damaged pavement, vacuum debris from the void. Fill extensive cracks with hydraulic cement grout, then place flowable fill-stabilizing subsoils before compacting and proof-rolling the entire zone. Finally, replace the milled-out section utilizing standard construction practices described earlier to specifications matching surrounding thickness and materials.

Why is tandem axle load testing useful in assessing asphalt base course structural adequacy?

Because simulated loading better predicts field survivability than simple lab compression checks alone. Our heavy vehicle test rig repeatedly applies 8,000-26,000 lb variable loads quantified through gauged deflection sensors on the prototype base course makeup pre-qualified meeting DOT composition standards. This confirms projected traffic-bearing capacity before wearing course financial commitments.



Steve Axton,
Licensed Civil Engineer