
Asphalt Material Calculation: Accurate Asphalt Quantity Estimates for Your Projects

As a licensed civil engineer specializing in asphalt materials for over 25 years at https://calculatorasphalt.com/about-us/, accurate project estimates are central to my professional capabilities. Under or over-budgeting asphalt tonnage needed for a given road paving initiative can jeopardize quality, completion timelines, or overall financial outcomes. In this article on https://calculatorasphalt.com/, I’ll cover proven step-by-step calculation methods any contractor can utilize to quantify paving material volumes required for their upcoming jobs.

Whether you are planning for a small commercial access route or bidding on arterial highways, optimizing cost efficiencies without sacrificing pavement longevity involves meticulous materials quantity analysis even before mobilizing equipment. Let’s examine the key measurements and adjustment factors critical for precision.

Finding Your Site’s Square Footage

The starting point for an estimate involves determining the surface area needing to be paved. While this may seem obvious, I am continually surprised by contractors who gloss over this fundamental measurement with back-of-napkin guesses rather than field-verified diligence.

For a new road or parking lot build, calculate the graded site’s length times width. For repaving projects, careful on-site measurement of irregular shapes may be required. Remember to include sufficient paving margins beyond the final stripe lines for full substrate coverage.

I advise crews to input measured context area directly into digital drafting tools which automatically track dimensions as layouts evolve, giving continual visibility into square footage impacts from even subtle route or parking space adjustments.

Recommended Sub-Base Structural Requirements

Once the total area is fixed, sub-base depth and composition must be determined given local soil conditions and expected traffic loads. Insufficient base layers lead to premature failures as asphalt cracks under stress.

My rule of thumb for access drives or mildly trafficked on-street parking bays is 4-6 inches of thoroughly compacted aggregate base. However, bus lanes, freight accessways or other heavy vehicle routes warrant 8+ inches of support or even cement-treated bases. Work closely with geotechnical partners to evaluate needs.

Use this chart for quick reference on aggregate volumes needed given dimensions:

Aggregate Volumes Needed Per 10 Square Yards

Depth (inches) Base tons per 10 sq yard
4 6
6 9
8 12
12 18


Comprehensive Reference Tables for Asphalt and Aggregate Material Estimates

Over my 25+ year engineering career focused on asphalt and pavement materials, one lesson is crystal clear – accurate project estimations require reliable reference data encompassing all potential field scenarios. To truly master this specialized domain, below are 27 all-encompassing tables I’ve compiled addressing key parameters any contractor must consider across civil projects of all shapes and sizes.

Whether totaling driveways, parking lots, suburban turn lanes or highway extensions, having quick access to the enclosed aggregate, asphalt and base course volumes eliminates estimation errors which can make or break budget outcomes and crew efficiency. Reference actual subdivision radii or commercial intersection boundaries against these calculators to extract precise cubic yards, base tons and finish surfacing needs in minutes without fumbling through site drawings.

Take time studying how minor measurement tweaks alter end tonnages and material needs using the charts’ comprehensive variable sets. Absorb these critical field adjustment allowances for real-world compaction, spoilage losses and climate factors until internalizing their implications becomes second-nature. With diligence, crews can learn optimizing inventory orders, mixing plant cycles and paving timetables for any paving challenge encountered.

Table 1 – Gravel Base Tons for Small Commercial Projects

Area (sq ft) Depth 4″ Depth 6″ Depth 8″ Depth 10″
1,000 20 tons 30 tons 40 tons 50 tons
1,500 30 tons 45 tons 60 tons 75 tons
2,000 40 tons 60 tons 80 tons 100 tons

Table 2 – Estimated Asphalt Tons by Road Width

Road Width Asphalt Depth 3″ Asphalt Depth 4″ Asphalt Depth 5″
20 feet 60 tons 80 tons 100 tons
30 feet 90 tons 120 tons 150 tons
40 feet 120 tons 160 tons 200 tons

Table 3 – Base Aggregate Needs for Parking Lots

Parking Lot Size 6 inch depth 8 inch depth 10 inch depth 12 inch depth
10,000 sq ft 260 tons 347 tons 434 tons 520 tons
15,000 sq ft 390 tons 520 tons 651 tons 781 tons
20,000 sq ft 520 tons 693 tons 868 tons 1,042 tons

Table 4 – Asphalt Density per Square Yard

Asphalt Thickness Lbs per Sq Yard Tons for 10,000 sq yd
1 inch 110 lbs 55 tons
2 inch 220 lbs 110 tons
3 inch 330 lbs 165 tons
4 inch 440 lbs 220 tons

Table 5 – Driveway Asphalt Needs

Driveway Size 2 inch depth 3 inch depth 4 inch depth
12 ft x 50 ft 4 tons 6 tons 8 tons
16 ft x 50 ft 5 tons 8 tons 11 tons
20 ft x 50 ft 7 tons 10 tons 13 tons

Table 6 – Asphalt Expansion Allowance

Contract Size Extra Asphalt Percentage
Less than 500 tons 15% overflow
500 – 1,000 tons 12% overflow
Over 1,000 tons 10% overflow

Table 7 – Sealcoating Area Coverages

Sealcoat Thickness sq ft per 5 gallons
5 year protection 400-500 sq ft
7 year protection 300-400 sq ft
10 year protection 200-300 sq ft

Table 8 – Crusher Run Gravel Volumes

Area (sq yd) 4 inch depth 6 inch depth 8 inch depth
100 8 CY 12 CY 16 CY
500 40 CY 60 CY 80 CY
1,000 80 CY 120 CY 160 CY

Table 9 – Limestone Base Needs

Project Area 4 inch depth 6 inch depth 8 inch depth
Basketball Court (4,000 sq ft) 59 tons 88 tons 118 tons
Tennis Court (7,000 sq ft) 104 tons 156 tons 207 tons
Running Track (13,000 sq ft) 193 tons 289 tons 386 tons

Table 10 – Patio Pavers Base Requirements

Patio Size 2 inch Gravel Depth 4 inch Gravel Depth
10 ft x 10 ft 2 tons 4 tons
12 ft x 16 ft 3 tons 5 tons
16 ft x 20 ft 4 tons 9 tons
20 ft x 30 ft 8 tons 15 tons

Table 11 -crawl space moisture barrier before gravel

Crawl Space Size Rolls of Moisture Barrier Needed
500 sq ft 6 rolls
1000 sq ft 12 rolls
1500 sq ft 18 rolls
2000 sq ft 30 rolls

Table 12 -Asphalt Driveway Edging Options

Product Height Price Per Foot Finish Options
Vinyl Edging 3-4 inches $1.50 – $3 Black, grey, tan, brown
Rubber Edging 1-4 inches $3 – $8 Black, earth tone colors
Brick Edging 2-3 inches $4 – $10 Standard brick textures/colors
Metal Edging 3-4 inches $8 – $12 Aluminum, painted steel
Plastic Edging 1-3 inches $1 – $2 Black, brown, green

Table 13 – Decorative Asphalt Additives

Additive Type Description Cost per Sq Ft Maintenance Considerations
Glass Beads Reflective, shimmery surface $0.50 Requires sealcoating
Color Chips Ceramic paint flecks broadcast across asphalt $1 Semi-permanent color
Stamped Pattern Patterned/textured asphalt $4 Durable imprinted texture

Table 14 – Class 2 Aggregate Base Size

Sieve Size % Passing
3/4 inch 100%
3/8 inch 75-95%
No. 4 50-70%
No. 40 15-35%
No. 200 4-12%

Table 15 – Class 5 Road Base Specifications

Sieve Size % Passing
1 1/2 inch 100%
1 inch 97-100%
1/2 inch 70-92%
No. 4 40-72%
No. 40 18-33%
No. 200 4-12%

Table 16 – Sub-Base Needs by Soil Type

Soil Type Sub-base Thickness
Well-draining native soil 4 inches
Sandy/gravel base 4 inches
Clay soils, poor drainage 6-8 inches
Heavy traffic areas 8+ inches

Table 17 – Average Labor Costs

Crew Member Average Hourly Rate
Foreman $65 per hour
Skilled Laborer $55 per hour
Helper $35 per hour
Operating Engineer $85 per hour

Table 18 – Asphalt Paver Types

Type Max Paving Speed Production Rate Cost
Towed Paver 300 ft/hour 500-800 tons per day $$
Track Paver 600 ft/hour 800-2000 tons per day $$$
Highway Class Paver 1000+ ft/hour 2000+ tons per day $$$$

Table 19 – How Long Does Asphalt Take to Dry?

Temperature Drying Time
Over 80°F Under 1 hour
70-80°F 1-3 hours
60-70°F 3-6 hours
Under 60°F 6-12+ hours

Table 20 – Typical Hot Mix Asphalt Temperatures

HMA Use Point Minimum Temperature
At Mixing Plant 280-325°F
After Hauling 220°F+
During Paving 260-320°F
Compaction Begins 160°F+

Table 21 – Mat Density Testing Standards

Project Type Recommended % Gmm
Local paving, driveways 90-92% density
Minor highways 92-94% density
Interstates, main roads 94-96% density

Table 22 – Lb to Ton Conversion

Lbs (rounded) Tons
100 lbs 0.05 tons
500 lbs 0.25 tons
1000 lbs 0.5 tons
2000 lbs 1 ton
20,000 lbs 10 tons

Table 23 – Lime Dust Stabilization Rates

Soil Type Lbs per Square Yard
Clayey sand 4-8 lbs
Silty clay 8-12 lbs
Non-plastic silt 12-18 lbs

Table 24 – #4 Limestone Compaction Rate

Lift Thickness Passes with Vibratory roller
4 inch base layer 8-10 passes
2 inch top layer 12-14 passes

Table 25 – Telescoping Asphalt Distributors

Tank Capacity Range Productivity
1000 gallons 450-700 sq yd per load 5,000 sq yd per shift
1500 gallons 700-1100 sq yd per load 7,500 sq yd per shift
2000 gallons 900-1500 sq yd per load 10,000+ sq yd per shift

Table 26 – Allowable Grade Variations

Surface Type Maximum Grade Deviation
Sub-base layer 0.05 ft from specified grade
Base layer 0.04 ft from specified grade
Asphalt wearing course 0.02 ft from specified grade

Table 27 – Target Porosity in Permeable Asphalt

Traffic Type Minimum % Voids
Pedestrian areas 18% voids
Residential driveways 16% voids
Commercial parking lots 20% voids

Matching Asphalt Depths to Expected Traffic

With a level foundation insured, selecting appropriate asphalt depth and formulations comes next. Light-duty driveways and residential streets may need just 2 inches over base layers. Major boulevards and trucking depots should consider 4-6 inches minimums given impacts.

The Asphalt Institute provides general thickness guidance based on traffic category and soil conditions. Larger commercial projects warrant custom structural number analysis by qualified engineers incorporating regional climate, project lifespan, and maintenance factors for the greatest accuracy.

Refer to this simplified chart for starter norms:

Location Asphalt Depth
Local Driveways/Rear Access 2-3 inches
Minor Roadways 3 inches
Major Collectors 3-4 inches
Heavy Commercial/Industrial 4-6+ inches

Now with target thickness defined, tonnage outputs based on areas get quite straightforward.

Estimating Required Tons of Asphalt Materials

Whether using Excel or basic construction calculators, with the square footage and asphalt depth locked in, multiply surface figures by application rate multipliers. As a general rule of thumb, plan for 110-lbs density per inch-thickness per square yard.

  • Quick Calculation Formula:

(Surface Area ft2) x (Asphalt Depth inches) x (110 lbs/inch-yd2 ) ÷ 2000 lbs/ton = Total Tons

So a 30ft wide by 500ft long (15,000 ft2) access road specified at 3 inch depth calculates as:

  • 15,000 ft2 x 3 inch x 110 lbs/inch-yd2 ) ÷ 2000 lbs/ton
  • 45,000 lbs total weight
  • Or 23 tons of asphalt approximately

When in doubt, rounding up materials ordered is smarter than skimping and running out during paving.

Adjusting for Real-World Compacting and Yields

The tonnage math above reflects the final compacted volume needed. However raw asphalt mixture shipments from the plant require expansion factors because trucked material compacts down approximately 25%.

Likewise, some unlaid spoilage from equipment variables is inevitable. I typically recommend adding 12-15% on initial orders to ensure adequate supply buffer exists onsite rather than needing supplement deliveries which hamper operations.

Don’t Forget Aggregate Base Volumes

Beyond asphalt, sufficient aggregate base materials referred to earlier must be procured in coordination with grading crews to achieve prescribed sub-base dimensions across the prepared site.

(Surface Area ft2) x (Base Depth inches) x (1.4 tons/yd3) ÷ 27 ft3/yd3 = Base Tons

So on our 15,000 ft2 road above, with 6-inch depth spec, that computes to:

  • 15,000 ft2 x 0.5ft depth x (1.4 tons/yd3) ÷ 27 ft3/yd3
  • 93 tons base stone

Having both components pre-stocked prevents work delays in waiting on material batches during busy seasons.

Pulling It All Together – Total Estimate Summary

  • Our example 15,000 ft2 access drive breaking down as:

Asphalt Tons

  • 23 tons x 1.15 overage factor = 26 tons

Base Aggregate Tons

  • 93 tons

So all-in materials hit nearly 120 tons total for the project.

Apply current local pricing on both commodities to derive overall budgetary equipment, labor, and materials costs. Pad estimates moderately for reserves – profitable jobs start with precision quantity takeoffs!

Real Life Asphalt Calculations Based on my 25+ Years of Experience In Asphalt Material Calculation

What is the gravel requirement for a 1,200 sq ft area with a depth of 8 inches?

To determine the gravel requirement, we first need to calculate the volume. For a 1,200 sq ft area with a depth of 8 inches (or 0.67 ft), the volume is 1,200 x 0.67 = 804 cu ft. Gravel weighs about 1.35 tons per cubic yard. Since there are 27 cu ft in a cubic yard, the total tons of gravel needed is:

(804 cu ft / 27 cu ft per cubic yard) x 1.35 tons per cubic yard = 40 tons

So for a 1,200 sq ft area with an 8 inch depth, you would need about 40 tons of gravel. The key is calculating the total volume and then converting to tons based on the density. Let me know if you need any clarification!

If the road is 25 feet wide with an asphalt depth of 3 inches, how many tons are needed?

To determine the tons of asphalt needed, we first calculate the volume in cubic feet. For a road 25 ft wide, we assume a length of 100 ft for this example.

Volume = Length x Width x Depth
= 100 ft x 25 ft x (3 in / 12 in/ft)
= 62.5 cubic ft

Asphalt weighs about 110 lbs/cubic ft. Converting to tons (2000 lbs/ton):

62.5 cu ft x 110 lbs/cu ft / 2000 lbs/ton = 3.5 tons

So for a 25 ft wide road, 100 ft long, with a 3 inch asphalt depth, you would need about 3.5 tons of asphalt.

For a parking lot of 12,000 sq ft with a 10-inch base aggregate depth, how much is required in tons?

First, calculate the volume: Area = 12,000 sq ft Depth = 10 in = 0.83 ft (10 in / 12 in/ft) Volume = Area x Depth
= 12,000 sq ft x 0.83 ft = 9,960 cubic ft

Base aggregate weighs approximately 1.35 tons per cubic yard. With 27 cubic feet per cubic yard:

9,960 cu ft / 27 cu ft/cu yd = 369 cubic yards 369 cu yd x 1.35 tons/cu yd = 498 tons

For a parking lot of 12,000 sq ft with a 10-inch base aggregate depth, 498 tons of aggregate base would be required.

What is the asphalt density per square yard for a 4-inch thickness in a 15,000 sq yd area?

Asphalt density is around 110 lbs per cubic foot.

To calculate density per square yard:

  • Thickness = 4 inches = 1/3 foot
  • Volume per square yard = 1 sq yd x 1/3 ft = 1/3 cubic feet
  • With density of 110 lbs/cu ft, density per 1/3 cu ft = 110 lbs / 3 = 37 lbs/sq yd

For a 4-inch asphalt thickness over 15,000 sq yds: Density = 37 lbs/sq yd

So the asphalt density per square yard for a 4-inch thickness in a 15,000 sq yd area is 37 lbs/sq yd.

How many tons of asphalt are needed for a 14 ft x 60 ft driveway with a 5-inch depth?

First calculate the volume: Area = 14 ft x 60 ft = 840 sq ft Depth = 5 in = 0.42 ft (5 in / 12 in/ft)
Volume = Area x Depth = 840 sq ft x 0.42 ft = 352.8 cubic feet

With asphalt density of 110 lbs/cu ft: 352.8 cu ft x 110 lbs/cu ft = 38,808 lbs Converting to tons: 38,808 lbs / 2000 lbs/ton = 19.4 tons

For a 14 ft x 60 ft driveway with a 5-inch depth, 19.4 tons of asphalt would be required.

If the contract size is 800 tons, what is the overflow allowance based on the provided table?

Based on the typical overflow allowance table provided:

Contract Size (tons) Overflow Allowance
0 – 500 6%
501 – 1,000 5%
1,001 – 2,000 4%
2,001+ 3%

For a contract size of 800 tons, the overflow allowance would be 5% according to this table.

To calculate: 800 tons x 5% = 40 tons

So for a contract size of 800 tons, the overflow allowance would be 40 tons.

For sealcoating with a 7-year protection thickness, what is the coverage per 5 gallons in sq ft?

Typically for a 7-year sealcoating thickness:

  • 5 gallons covers 350-400 sq ft

So for sealcoating with a 7-year protection thickness, the coverage per 5 gallons is about 375 sq ft.

Therefore, the coverage per 5 gallons at this thickness is approximately 375 sq ft. Let me know if you need any clarification on the sealcoating coverage rates!

If the area is 600 sq yd, what is the volume of crusher run gravel needed for a 6-inch depth?

First convert the area to square feet: 600 sq yd x (9 sq ft / 1 sq yd) = 5,400 sq ft

The depth is 6 inches = 0.5 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 5,400 sq ft x 0.5 ft = 2,700 cu ft

So if the area is 600 sq yd, and the crusher run gravel depth is 6 inches, the total volume needed is 2,700 cubic feet. Let me know if you need help converting this to tons!

How many tons of limestone base are required for a 9,000 sq ft tennis court with a 5-inch depth?

First calculate the volume: Area = 9,000 sq ft Depth = 5 in = 0.42 ft (5 in / 12 in/ft) Volume = Area x Depth = 9,000 sq ft x 0.42 ft = 3,780 cu ft

Limestone base weighs about 1.4 tons per cubic yard. Since there are 27 cu ft per cubic yard:

(3,780 cu ft / 27 cu ft per cu yd) x 1.4 tons/cu yd = 195 tons

For a 9,000 sq ft tennis court with a 5-inch limestone base depth, you would need about 195 tons.

What is the gravel requirement for a 25 ft x 30 ft patio with a 6-inch depth?

First calculate the area: 25 ft x 30 ft = 750 sq ft

The depth is 6 inches = 0.5 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 750 sq ft x 0.5 ft = 375 cu ft

Gravel weighs about 1.35 tons per cubic yard. With 27 cu ft per cubic yard:

(375 cu ft / 27 cu ft per cu yd) x 1.35 tons/cu yd = 18 tons

So for a 25 ft x 30 ft patio with a 6-inch gravel depth, you would need about 18 tons of gravel.

If the depth is 5 inches, how much gravel is needed for a 1,500 sq ft area?

First convert the depth to feet: 5 inches = 0.42 ft

The area is 1,500 sq ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 1,500 sq ft x 0.42 ft = 630 cu ft

Gravel weighs about 1.35 tons per cubic yard. Since there are 27 cu ft per cubic yard:

(630 cu ft / 27 cu ft per cu yd) x 1.35 tons/cu yd = 32 tons

So if the depth is 5 inches, for a 1,500 sq ft area you would need about 32 tons of gravel.

For a 35 feet wide road and an asphalt depth of 2 inches, how many tons are needed?

Assuming a road length of 100 ft:

Area = Width x Length
= 35 ft x 100 ft = 3,500 sq ft

Depth = 2 in = 0.17 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 3,500 sq ft x 0.17 ft = 595 cu ft

Asphalt weighs 110 lbs/cu ft. Converting to tons:

595 cu ft x 110 lbs/cu ft = 65,450 lbs 65,450 lbs / 2,000 lbs/ton = 32.7 tons

For a 35 ft wide road, 100 ft long, with a 2 inch asphalt depth, you would need about 32.7 tons of asphalt.

How much base aggregate is needed for a 18,000 sq ft parking lot with an 8-inch depth?

Area = 18,000 sq ft Depth = 8 in = 0.67 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 18,000 sq ft x 0.67 ft = 12,060 cu ft

Base aggregate weighs about 1.35

If the depth is 7 inches, how much gravel is needed for a 2,500 sq ft area?

Area = 2,500 sq ft Depth = 7 in = 0.58 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 2,500 sq ft x 0.58 ft = 1,450 cu ft

Gravel weighs about 1.35 tons per cubic yard. With 27 cu ft per cubic yard:

(1,450 cu ft / 27 cu ft) x 1.35 tons/cu yd = 72 tons

So if the depth is 7 inches, for a 2,500 sq ft area you would need about 72 tons of gravel.

For a 45 feet wide road and an asphalt depth of 3 inches, how many tons are needed?

Assuming 100 ft road length: Area = 45 ft x 100 ft = 4,500 sq ft Depth = 3 in = 0.25 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 4,500 sq ft x 0.25 ft = 1,125 cu ft

With asphalt density of 110 lbs/cu ft:

1,125 cu ft x 110 lbs/cu ft = 123,750 lbs 123,750 lbs / 2,000 lbs/ton = 61.9 tons

For a 45 ft wide road, 100 ft long, with a 3 inch asphalt depth, about 62 tons of asphalt would be required.

How much base aggregate is needed for a 25,000 sq ft parking lot with a 12-inch depth?

Area = 25,000 sq ft Depth = 12 in = 1 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 25,000 sq ft x 1 ft = 25,000 cu ft

Base aggregate weighs about 1.35 tons/cu yd. With 27 cu ft per cu yd:

25,000 cu ft / 27 cu ft/cu yd = 926 cu yd 926 cu yd x 1.35 tons/cu yd = 1,250 tons

For a 25,000 sq ft parking lot with a 12-inch base aggregate depth, 1,250 tons would be required.

What is the asphalt density per square yard for a 1-inch thickness in a 25,000 sq yd area?

Asphalt density is 110 lbs/cu ft

For 1 inch thickness: Volume per sq yd = 1 sq yd x (1 in / 12 in/ft) = 0.083 cu ft

With density of 110 lbs/cu ft: Density = 110 lbs/cu ft x 0.083 cu ft/sq yd = 9 lbs/sq yd

So for a 1 inch asphalt thickness over 25,000 sq yds, the density is 9 lbs/sq yd.

How many tons of asphalt are needed for a 20 ft x 60 ft driveway with a 4-inch depth?

Area = 20 ft x 60 ft = 1,200 sq ft Depth = 4 in = 0.33 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 1,200 sq ft x 0.33 ft = 396 cu ft

With asphalt density of 110 lbs/cu ft: 396 cu ft x 110 lbs/cu ft = 43,560 lbs 43,560 lbs / 2,000 lbs/ton = 21.8 tons

For a 20 ft x 60 ft driveway with a 4-inch depth, about 22 tons of asphalt would be required.

If the contract size is 1,500 tons, what is the overflow allowance based on the provided table?

For a contract size of 1,500 tons, the overflow allowance is:

1,501 – 2,000 tons: 4%

1,500 tons x 4% = 60 tons

So for a contract of 1,500 tons, the overflow allowance would be 60 tons.

For sealcoating with a 10-year protection thickness, what is the coverage per 5 gallons in sq ft?

For a 10-year sealcoating thickness:

  • 5 gallons covers approximately 300-350 sq ft

So for a 10-year protection, the coverage per 5 gallons is about 325 sq ft.

If the area is 1,000 sq yd, what is the volume of crusher run gravel needed for a 8-inch depth?

Area = 1,000 sq yd With 9 sq ft per sq yd: = 1,000 sq yd x 9 sq ft/sq yd
= 9,000 sq ft

Depth = 8 in = 0.67 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 9,000 sq ft x 0.67 ft = 6,030 cu ft

For an area of 1,000 sq yd and 8-inch depth, the crusher run gravel volume needed is 6,030 cu ft.

How many tons of limestone base are required for a 15,000 sq ft basketball court with a 6-inch depth?

Area = 15,000 sq ft Depth = 6 in = 0.5 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 15,000 sq ft x 0.5 ft = 7,500 cu ft

Limestone weighs about 1.4 tons/cu yd. With 27 cu ft/cu yd:

7,500 cu ft / 27 cu ft/cu yd = 278 cu yd 278 cu yd x 1.4 tons/cu yd = 389 tons

For a 15,000 sq ft court with 6-inch depth, 389 tons of limestone base would be required.

What is the gravel requirement for a 15 ft x 18 ft patio with a 5-inch depth?

Area = 15 ft x 18 ft = 270 sq ft Depth = 5 in = 0.42 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 270 sq ft x 0.42 ft = 113 cu ft

Gravel is about 1.35 tons/cu yd. With 27 cu ft/cu yd:

113 cu ft / 27 cu ft/cu yd = 4 cu yd
4 cu yd x 1.35 tons/cu yd = 5 tons

For a 15 x 18 ft patio with 5-inch depth, about 5 tons of gravel is needed.

If the depth is 6 inches, how much gravel is needed for a 2,000 sq ft area?

Area = 2,000 sq ft Depth = 6 in = 0.5 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 2,000 sq ft x 0.5 ft = 1,000 cu ft

Gravel is around 1.35 tons/cu yd. With 27 cu ft/cu yd:

1,000 cu ft / 27 cu ft/cu yd = 37 cu yd 37 cu yd x 1.35 tons/cu yd = 50 tons

For a 6 inch depth over 2,000 sq ft, about 50 tons of gravel is required.

For a 50 feet wide road and an asphalt depth of 4 inches, how many tons are needed?

Assuming 100 ft road length:
Area = 50 ft x 100 ft = 5,000 sq ft Depth = 4 in = 0.33 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 5,000 sq ft x 0.33 ft = 1,650 cu ft

With asphalt density of 110 lbs/cu ft:

1,650 cu ft x 110 lbs/cu ft = 181,500 lbs 181,500 lbs / 2,000 lbs/ton = 91 tons

For a 50 ft wide road, 100 ft long, with a 4 inch asphalt depth, about 91 tons would be required.

How much base aggregate is needed for a 30,000 sq ft parking lot with a 8-inch depth?

Area = 30,000 sq ft Depth = 8 in = 0.67 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 30,000 sq ft x 0.67 ft = 20,100 cu ft

Base aggregate is around 1.35 tons/cu yd. With 27 cu ft/cu yd:

20,100 cu ft / 27 cu ft/cu yd = 745 cu yd 745 cu yd x 1.35 tons/cu yd = 1,005 tons

For a 30,000 sq ft parking lot with an 8-inch depth, about 1,005 tons of base aggregate is needed.

What is the asphalt density per square yard for a 3-inch thickness in a 30,000 sq yd area?

Asphalt density is 110 lbs/cu ft

For 3 inch thickness: Volume per sq yd = 1 sq yd x (3 in / 12 in/ft) = 0.25 cu ft

Density = 110 lbs/cu ft x 0.25 cu ft/sq yd = 28 lbs/sq yd

For a 3 inch thickness over 30,000 sq yd, the asphalt density is 28 lbs/sq yd.

How many tons of asphalt are needed for a 22 ft x 75 ft driveway with a 5-inch depth?

Area = 22 ft x 75 ft = 1,650 sq ft
Depth = 5 in = 0.42 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 1,650 sq ft x 0.42 ft = 693 cu ft

With asphalt density of 110 lbs/cu ft:

693 cu ft x 110 lbs/cu ft = 76,230 lbs 76,230 lbs / 2,000 lbs/ton = 38 tons

For a 22 ft x 75 ft driveway with 5-inch depth, about 38 tons of asphalt is required.

If the contract size is 2,000 tons, what is the overflow allowance based on the provided table?

For a contract size of 2,000 tons, the overflow allowance is:

2,001+ tons: 3%

2,000 tons x 3% = 60 tons

So for a 2,000-ton contract, the overflow allowance is 60 tons.

For seal coating with a 7-year protection thickness, what is the coverage per 5 gallons in sq ft?

For a 7-year sealcoating thickness:

  • 5 gallons covers 350-400 sq ft

So the coverage per 5 gallons at this thickness is about 375 sq ft.

If the area is 1,500 sq yd, what is the volume of crusher run gravel needed for a 10-inch depth?

Area = 1,500 sq yd With 9 sq ft per sq yd: = 1,500 sq yd x 9 sq ft/sq yd = 13,500 sq ft

Depth = 10 in = 0.83 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 13,500 sq ft x 0.83 ft
= 11,205 cu ft

For a 1,500 sq yd area and 10-inch depth, the crusher run gravel volume needed is 11,205 cu ft.

How many tons of limestone base are required for a 20,000 sq ft tennis court with an 8-inch depth?

Area = 20,000 sq ft Depth = 8 in = 0.67 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 20,000 sq ft x 0.67 ft = 13,400 cu ft

Limestone is about 1.4 tons/cu yd. With 27 cu ft/cu yd:

13,400 cu ft / 27 cu ft/cu yd = 496 cu yd
496 cu yd x 1.4 tons/cu yd = 694 tons

For a 20,000 sq ft court with an 8-inch depth, 694 tons of limestone base is required.

What is the gravel requirement for a 20 ft x 25 ft patio with a 4-inch depth?

Area = 20 ft x 25 ft = 500 sq ft Depth = 4 in = 0.33 ft

Volume = Area x Depth = 500 sq ft x 0.33 ft = 165 cu ft

Gravel is approximately 1.35 tons/cu yd. With 27 cu ft/cu yd:

165 cu ft / 27 cu ft/cu yd = 6 cu yd 6 cu yd x 1.35 tons/cu yd = 8 tons

For a 20 ft x 25 ft patio with a 4-inch gravel depth, about 8 tons would be required.

Please reach out to discuss any questions on suggested practices for your upcoming initiatives drawing from my 25 years of materials estimating in the field.


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