As a Road Construction Manager specializing in asphalt pavement materials, I’m often asked whether an aging asphalt driveway can be resurfaced instead of completely replaced. Over my 25+ years of career constructing roads and runways for the Army Corps of Engineers, I’ve become well-versed in asphalt resurfacing techniques that can restore a worn, cracked driveway to like-new condition again. Here I guide a road construction manager, ensuring smooth operations. Let’s explore the ins and outs of asphalt driveway resurfacing.
I offer expertise in civil engineering for asphalt resurfacing projects. Here are some steps you need to consider while resurfacing the asphalt driveway.
Visual Inspection
I oversee the asphalt resurfacing projects, ensuring quality and durability. You should carefully visually inspect the driveway surface and structure provide initial clues to its current state:
Look for any major cracks wider than 1⁄4 inch. Measure crack widths with a ruler or crack gauge.
Identify potholes, patching areas, or fully collapsed areas indicating base failures.
Check for signs of raveling where aggregate is coming loose at the surface.
Note any surface distortions like depressions, bumps, or poor drainage slopes.
Watch for signs of excess moisture below the surface such as soft areas or vegetation.
Identify any previous repairs that are now failing such as patches or sealed cracks.

Any major defects will need repair before resurfacing. The underlying causes must also be addressed or problems may reflect back through the new surface.
Core Samples Of Materials
Taking 3-4 inch diameter core samples in key areas provides visual evidence of the pavement structure:
Measure layer thicknesses and compare them to construction specs.
Identify any delamination or moisture damage between layers.
Assess the condition of the underlying base and subgrade.
Estimate how much life remains in each layer.
This helps determine any needs for repairs, drainage improvements, or full reconstruction.
Soundness Testing
Using a hammer or chain drag to tap the surface and listen for distressed areas:
Solid, ringing sounds indicate a structurally sound surface.
Hollow, dull sounds reveal hidden delamination, stripped areas, or base voids.
Mark any suspicious areas for further evaluation. Hollow-sounding regions will need repair prior to overlay.
Flood Testing
Flooding areas of the driveway with water identifies any birdbaths or depressions:
Low spots that retain water promote ongoing moisture damage of pavement.
Any areas holding ponded water for more than 15-20 minutes after drainage require remediation.
Fill depressions and improve cross-slopes to at least 1-2% slope for proper drainage.
Deflection Testing
Deflection testing uses either a Benkelman beam or falling weight deflectometer (FWD) to measure surface flex under a known load:
- Higher deflections indicate weak or deteriorated layers with reduced structural capacity.
- Stiff, unyielding surfaces suggest adequate strength remains for resurfacing.
- Compare measured deflections to AASHTO design standards to assess adequacy.
- This quantifies any loss of structural integrity necessitating reconstruction versus a simple resurfacing.
Friction Testing
A British Pendulum Tester or dynamic friction tester verifies surface friction:
- Worn, polished surfaces may require more extensive resurfacing rather than just a seal coat.
- Friction values below code minimums require restoration for safety.
Asphalt Hardness
Penetration or softening point tests on asphalt samples determine binder condition:
Hard, brittle, oxidized asphalt is prone to raveling and cracking failures. The soft, excessively temperature-susceptible binders can experience rutting issues. Ideally, the binder grade remains within specification to perform well.
Thickness Design
Based on the condition, analyze layer thicknesses and loading needs to determine if the current structural design remains adequate:
Use AASHTO, AI, or mechanistic-empirical approaches to evaluate. Structural overlays may be required in addition to surface renewal. The goal is a state-of-good-repair section fully capable of carrying today’s traffic loads.
Summary of Key Assessment Tests
Driveway Evaluation Methods
Test | Information Provided |
Visual Inspection | Surface defects, moisture signs, previous repairs |
Core Samples | Layer thickness and condition |
Sounding | Hidden internal defects |
Flood Testing | Depression and drainage issues |
Deflection Testing | Structural strength and stiffness |
Friction Testing | Skid resistance of the surface |
Binder Testing | Oxidation and brittleness |
Structural Design | Adequate thickness for traffic |
Importnat Questions that are answerd:
What are three visual indicators that a driveway needs repairs before resurfacing?
Major cracking, potholes, raveling, and erosion indicate repairs are needed.
How can flood testing identify any pre-existing moisture problems?
Flood testing reveals any depressions that hold water rather than draining properly off the surface.
What does a dull, hollow sound during tapping indicate?
A hollow sound means delamination, voids or other deterioration exists underneath the surface.
How does coring help assess the existing driveway structure?
Coring provides visual evidence of layer thicknesses, moisture damage, and overall condition.
Conducting various condition assessments provides quantitative and visual evidence of the driveway’s current state. This informs the proper repair, strengthening and resurfacing approach needed to restore it to excellent performing condition. A sound evaluation methodology is crucial to successful asphalt resurfacing outcomes.
Asphalt Resurfacing Options
With over 20 years of expertise in asphalt materials and paving, I’m familiar with the full range of resurfacing options available to renew the surface of aged asphalt driveways. Here’s an overview of various techniques, with guidance on appropriate usage:
Resurfacing Method 1: Asphalt Overlays
Asphalt overlays involve placing and compacting one or more layers of new hot mix asphalt over the existing driveway surface. Overlays provide structural rehabilitation in addition to a new wearing course.
Typical overlay thicknesses range from 1 to 4 inches depending on condition. The overlaying asphalt must be thick enough to correct defects and rutting. A paving machine is used to spread and partially compact the mat. The key steps include:
Surface Preparation
Clean and fill cracks, and apply a tack coat to ensure bonding to the old surface.
Trucking and Paving
Haul and place hot mix asphalt at the appropriate lift thickness using a paver.
Use rollers in static and vibratory mode to achieve 92-96% max density and proper smoothness.
Carefully construct and compact transverse and longitudinal joints between paving passes.
Benefits of Asphalt Overlays
Structurally strengthens driveway and corrects defects in existing pavement.
Resists deformation from vehicle loading better than surface treatments.
Provides new wearing surface and improves driveway ride quality.
Can be customized with a specific mix for climate and traffic needs.
Typically lasts 10-20 years with proper maintenance.
Limitations of Asphalt Overlays
More expensive due to paving equipment mobilization costs.
Requires a thicker section to correct significant distress issues.
Homeowner access was disrupted during the paving and curing period.
I recommend overlays for driveways with moderate alligator cracking, depressions, or weathering where structural renewal is desired.
Resurfacing Method 2: Asphalt Seal Coating
Seal coating involves applying a protective layer of asphalt emulsion with embedded aggregates to the aged asphalt surface. Materials can be spray-applied or squeezed. Seal coats offer restoration without affecting the structure. Key steps comprise:
Surface Preparation
Crack filling, patching, cleaning, and sweeping to fix defects.
Applying Emulsion
Spray or squeegee a uniform layer of asphalt emulsion onto the surface.
Aggregate Embedment
Broadcast desired size and type of chips onto emulsion to provide wear course.
Embed chips for adhesion and remove any excess loose particles.
Benefits Asphalt Seal Coating
Seals minor cracks and surface defects to prevent water intrusion.
Provides a new wearing course and improves skid resistance.
Restores black appearance and protects against UV damage.
Cost-effective preservation for sound pavements.
Typically lasts 2-5 years.
Limitations Asphalt Seal Coating
Does not address significant structural issues like major cracking.
Multiple reapplications are needed over time.
Loose chips can stain vehicles or be picked up by tires shortly after application.
Seal coating is ideal for broadly sound, intact pavements where a renewal of the wearing surface is the primary need.
How Long Does Asphalt Take to Dry in Resurfacing Driveway?
Once your driveway has been resurfaced, you’ll need to wait 24-48 hours for the asphalt to dry. During this time, it’s important to avoid driving on your driveway, as this can damage the new asphalt.
Your driveway will be touch-dry within a few hours, but it will take several months to fully cure. This curing process can be affected by factors such as the weather and the thickness of the resurfacing. Hot, sunny weather will help the asphalt to cure more quickly, while cool and damp conditions can slow it down.
Once the asphalt is fully cured, you can apply a seal coat to help protect it and extend its lifespan.
Here are some additional tips for caring for your newly resurfaced driveway:
- Avoid driving on your driveway for the first 24-48 hours.
- If you must drive on your driveway, do so slowly and carefully.
- Avoid parking heavy vehicles on your driveway.
- Sweep or blow away any leaves or debris from your driveway regularly.
- Apply a seal coat to your driveway every few years to help protect it and extend its lifespan.
By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your newly resurfaced driveway lasts for many years to come.
Resurfacing Method 3: Asphalt Fog Sealing
Fog sealing applies a thin spray coating of diluted asphalt emulsion without any aggregate chips:
Diluted Emulsion
Asphalt emulsion is diluted with water at up to a 1:1 ratio for optimal flow.
Spray Application
Using a distributor truck, the diluted emulsion is spray-applied at a rate of 0.05 to 0.15 gal/yd2.
The water in the emulsion evaporates over 12-24 leaving the residual light asphalt coating.
Benefits of Asphalt Fog Sealing
Seals fine cracks against moisture intrusion and oxidation.
Provides a renewing film over moderately aged/oxidized asphalt.
The thin application does not impact structure or appearance significantly.
Very cost-effective preservation treatment.
Typically lasts 1-3 years.
Limitations of Asphalt Fog Sealing
Provides minimal texture or friction improvement.
Multiple reapplications are needed to maintain effects.
The driveway remains damp initially until the emulsion fully cures.
Fog sealing is best for sealing an intact, structurally sound driveway surface with minimal aging and no major cracks or defects.
Resurfacing Method 4: Asphalt Rejuvenation
Rejuvenators penetrate the aged asphalt binder to restore properties softened by oxidation over time:
Rejuvenating Oil
Soybean, tall, or petroleum-based oils are spray-applied. They diffuse into the oxidized binder.
The oils reconstitute and soften the brittle, hardened maltenes in the aged binder.
Rebalanced Properties
The rejuvenated binder displays improved viscosity and flexibility.
Benefits of Asphalt Rejuvenation
Restores aged asphalt properties, avoiding cracking, raveling, and erosion.
comparatively inexpensive preservation approach.
No change to surface texture or friction.
Can restore properties for 5+ years in a sound pavement.
Limitations of Asphalt Rejuvenation
Does not address structural issues like cracking or rutting.
Multiple applications are typically needed over the driveway life.
May temporarily soften asphalt and cause minor tracking.
Rejuvenation works best on oxidation-aged but structurally sound pavements before brittle cracking begins. Timely use can substantially extend driveway life.
Comparison of Asphalt Resurfacing Options
Method | Cost | Durability | Usage |
Asphalt Overlay | High | 10-20 years | Corrects defects, adds structure |
Asphalt Sealcoat | Low | 2-5 years | Wearing course renewal, aesthetics |
Fog Seal | Very Low | 1-3 years | Minimal aging, fine cracks |
Rejuvenation | Low | 5+ years | Binder restoration, avoid cracking |
Which resurfacing method involves adding aggregate chips to a sprayed emulsion layer?
Seal coating involves spreading aggregate chips onto applied asphalt emulsion.
What approach can restore aged asphalt binder properties without affecting texture?
Asphalt rejuvenation penetrates the binder to restore properties without affecting surface texture.
When would you recommend an asphalt overlay for a driveway?
For driveways with structural defects, moderate cracking, rutting, or depressions requiring thickness to correct.
What are the main benefits of seal coating an asphalt driveway?
Applying a seal coat renews the wearing surface, protects the asphalt, fills fine cracks, and restores the black color.
I hope this overview provides helpful guidance into the capabilities and usage of different asphalt driveway resurfacing techniques. Selecting the appropriate method based on current pavement conditions ensures optimal, cost-effective renewal. My 20+ years of experience can help narrow the best options for your unique driveway needs.
Choosing the Right Resurfacing Method For Asphalt Resurfacing
Choosing the right asphalt driveway resurfacing method depends on current pavement condition, budget, and expected longevity. Here is a guide on selecting the optimal resurfacing approach as an experienced paving contractor:
Optimal resurfacing method
The optimal resurfacing method matches the degree of deterioration and defects present with the correct repair solution. Surface issues can be addressed with low-cost surface treatments, while structural problems require extensive overlays to correct. Consider the following factors:
Pavement Condition Assessment
Begin by thoroughly assessing the current driveway condition, including:
Type, severity, and extent of cracking and other defects
Indications of structural inadequacy or moisture issues
The remaining service life of the binder and aggregate
The presence of significant distortions or depressions
This provides objective data to inform repair needs versus preventive maintenance.
Usage Levels
Account for the amount of vehicular traffic and loading on the driveway:
Higher-use driveways require greater structural integrity and durability.
Multi-family or high-volume parking situations demand heavier designs.
Match repairs to adequately support usage demands.
Climate Conditions
The climate zone impacts material selections:
In freeze-thaw zones, ensure adequate surface thickness to resist cracking.
Where high temperatures prevail, choose binders resistant to rutting.
In wet climates, focus on adequate slope and drainage provisions.
Homeowner Expectations
Understand the homeowner’s budget constraints along with performance goals and longevity desires. Balance cost, lifetime, and quality.

Matching Repairs to Distresses
Armed with condition data and expectations, match appropriate fixes to issues identified:
Surface Defects Only
For mostly intact driveways with some raveling, oxidation, and minimal cracking, surface treatments suffice:
Seal Coating
Renew wearing course, fill minor cracks, restore color
Fog Sealing
Rejuvenate mild aging, seal excellent cracks
Penetrate and restore aged, oxidized binder

Moderate Structural Deterioration
If cracking, depressions, or rutting indicate base/subgrade issues, structural overlays or patching deficiencies are warranted:
Add thickness to reinforce the structure, and correct moderate flaws
Full-Depth Patching
Excavate and replace failed areas only
Severe Structural Issues
Where extensive alligator cracking, deformation, or potholes signify complete failure, full reconstruction may be the only lasting solution:
- Complete Reconstruction – Remove old layers and rebuild from subgrade up.
Matching Resurfacing to Condition Summary
Table 1. Resurfacing Method to Existing Condition
Existing Condition | Recommended Resurfacing |
Mild aging, raveling, fine cracks | Seal coat, fog seal, rejuvenator |
Moderate cracking, depressions | Overlay, full-depth patching |
Severe cracking, distortions | Full reconstruction |
Prioritizing Resurfacing Investments
I recommend homeowners prioritize resurfacing budgets based on conditions:
- Repair structural issues first. No surface coating will correct underlying problems.
- Address localized failed areas next. Isolated repairs make overlays perform better.
- Renew wearing course last. This maximizes initial investment in repairs.

Following this sequence stretches available resurfacing dollars furthest. Preventing full deterioration also reduces eventual costs. Timely, proper maintenance is key.
Important Notes
What resurfacing solutions address surface defects only without improving structure?
Surface treatments like seal coats, fog seals, and rejuvenators address surface issues only.
When would you recommend a full-depth asphalt patch?
For repairing severely distressed local failures like potholes before placing an overlay.
Name the best resurfacing choice for a driveway with extensive cracking and depressions.
An asphalt overlay is the best solution for significant structural issues like extensive cracking and depressions.
Should seal coating or structural repairs be prioritized first?
Structural repairs should be prioritized before surface seal coating for best performance.
Performing appropriate repairs specific to the type and degree of deterioration maximizes the value of the resurfacing investment. Matching fixes to existing conditions prevent spending too little or too much.
Hiring a Professional Resurfacing Contractor For Asphalt Resurfacing
As an asphalt professional, I always recommend hiring an experienced, specialized resurfacing contractor rather than attempting driveway projects as a DIY homeowner. Here is an overview of finding and selecting the right paving contractor for your asphalt resurfacing needs:
Why Hire a Professional?
Driveway resurfacing requires specific tools, materials knowledge, and technical skills to execute properly. As a licensed contractor for 20+ years, I have learned that experience matters in asphalt work. Homeowners should consider hiring professionals because:
Proper Equipment
Contractors have access to specialized equipment like tanker trucks, pavers, rollers, and spray units needed to perform resurfacing steps. Renting these is difficult and expensive for homeowners.
Technical Expertise
Contractors understand how to properly evaluate conditions, make repair recommendations, and follow technical specifications. Most DIYers lack this specialized knowledge.
Material Experience
Contractors are familiar with optimal asphalt mixes, emulsion types, and aggregates for local conditions and climate. Backyard DIY resurfacing often uses inferior products or methods.
Experienced crews work far faster with better productivity and efficiency than a homeowner can achieve. This professional skill lowers project time and hassle.
Reputable companies offer 2-5-year warranties on workmanship. DIY projects provide no recourse if failures or defects occur.
Bottom line – contractors have the skills, equipment, materials, speed, and quality assurances not readily available to the average homeowner. Hiring a paving professional is strongly advised.
Researching Local Contractors
Finding reputable local contractors involves thorough research:
Ask neighbors for companies they’ve used and their satisfaction. Check with family and friends for recommendations too.
Industry Groups
Contractors who belong to industry groups like NAPA exhibit higher standards and qualifications. Look for membership.
Web Reviews
Search for contractors on Google Maps and read reviews. Cross-check these against other sites like Yelp and BBB. Watch for consistent feedback.
Check Licensing
Verify state and local licensing through contractor licensing boards to ensure legitimacy and bonding. Avoid unlicensed companies.
Inspect Past Work
Visit previous projects and inspect quality if possible. Photos of work may help but seeing it in person is ideal.
Cast a wide research net using these methods to create a list of quality local contractors for further vetting.
Interviewing Paving Contractors
Once you’ve identified several potential contractors, thoroughly interview each before selecting one company:
Explain Your Project
Walk contractors through your project scope, objectives, budget, and concerns. Get their professional advice on improvements or preparation.
Years of Experience
Ask how long they’ve been in business and how many driveway resurfacing projects they complete annually. Longevity and focus equal proficiency.
Project Approach
Have contractors detail their specific process and timeline if selected. Compare this to industry standards.
Materials Used
Inquire about where their asphalt and aggregates come from. Ask if they use polymer-modified or high-performance mixes by preference.
Confirm what warranty they provide on materials and workmanship. A 2-5 year warranty is typical. Get warranty terms in writing.
Request 5-6 client references and inspect their projects. Call these references to inquire about their satisfaction with the contractor.
Checking Qualifications
Validating credentials ensures you hire established, reputable companies:
Insurance Coverage
Contractors must carry adequate general liability and workers’ compensation insurance. Review policies.
Legitimate contractors carry bonding which provides financial recourse if the company fails to complete work as contracted.
Verify current state and local licenses are active and in good standing. Unlicensed contractors often have other issues.
Industry Membership
Prefer contractors belonging to established industry groups like NAPA or APAI which indicate higher standards.
Check for complaints, penalties, rip-off reports, and similar red flags using licensing boards and online searches.
Insist contractors supply proof of insurance certificates, license details, bonding paperwork, and references before committing. This demonstrates they are a valid, compliant business.
Comparing Bids
Once satisfied with 2-3 contractors, compare their project bids:
Itemize and Detail
Break down the bid into material quantities needed and tasks included. Beware thin bids lacking line items.
Compare Scope
Some contractors may exclude key steps that others include like patching or surface preparation. Make sure quotes cover the same work.
Material Types/Thickness
Verify bids specify industry standard materials. Contractors offering cheaper mixes or thin sections likely cut corners.
Estimate – Insist bids are written outlining the exact work included. Get guarantees on paper. Avoid vague verbal estimates.
Reasonable Price
Be wary of quotes well below others which signal underbidding to win work that is recouped through cutbacks later.
Select a contractor offering quality materials, proper scope, and approach at a fair market price, not necessarily the cheapest. Beware of cost-cutting bids.
Asphalt Resurfacing Cost
Cost Factor | Description | Expected Cost |
Surface Preparation | ||
Crack Sealing | Sealing existing cracks in the pavement surface to prevent further deterioration. | $0.50 – $2.00 per linear foot |
Pothole Repair | Repairing potholes by cutting out damaged areas, applying a tack coat, and filling with asphalt mix. | $50 – $200 per pothole |
Milling | Removing a portion of the existing asphalt surface to correct irregularities or facilitate drainage. | $1.00 – $3.00 per square yard |
Debris Removal | Clearing the surface of debris, vegetation, and other materials to ensure proper adhesion. | $0.10 – $0.50 per square yard |
Materials | ||
Asphalt Mix | The primary material used for resurfacing, consisting of aggregates and liquid asphalt binder. | $60 – $120 per ton |
Polymer Modifiers | Optional additives to enhance the performance of the asphalt mix, improving resistance to rutting, cracking, and aging. | $2.00 – $5.00 per ton of asphalt mix |
Tack Coat | A liquid asphalt emulsion applied to promote adhesion between the existing surface and the new overlay. | $0.10 – $0.30 per square yard |
Installation | ||
Labor | Costs associated with the crew, equipment operators, and other personnel required for the project. | $1.00 – $3.00 per square yard |
Equipment | Costs for specialized equipment, such as asphalt pavers, rollers, and hauling trucks. | $0.50 – $1.50 per square yard |
Traffic Control | Costs for signage, barricades, flaggers, and other measures to ensure the safety of workers and the public during the project. | $0.20 – $0.80 per square yard |
Additional Factors | ||
Project Size | Larger projects may benefit from economies of scale, resulting in lower per-square-yard costs. Smaller projects may incur higher mobilization and setup costs. | Varies |
Location | Costs can vary significantly based on the project location, with urban areas typically being more expensive due to higher labor and material costs, as well as more stringent regulations. | Varies |
Site Access | Difficult site access or terrain can increase costs due to the need for specialized equipment or additional labor. | Varies |
Environmental Regulations | Compliance with environmental regulations, such as stormwater management or noise restrictions, can add to the overall project cost. | Varies |
Timing | Projects undertaken during peak construction seasons or in high-demand areas may incur higher costs due to the limited availability of contractors and materials. | Varies |
Maintaining the New Surface
Proper care and maintenance are essential to achieve the maximum longevity from an asphalt driveway resurfacing investment. Here are the best practices I recommend after 20+ years in paving:
Resealing Schedule
Applying periodic seal-coat treatments protects the renewed asphalt surface:
- Seal coating interval depends on usage, climate, and mix. Light-duty driveways may go 4 years between applications. High-use driveways in extreme UV exposure may need sealing every 1-2 years.
- Visually inspect annually for signs of oxidation, raveling, cracking, or wear indicating the need for reseal.
- Sweeping and clearing debris from the driveway enhances sealant adhesion and performance.
- Stringent surface prep like crack filling ensures seal coat efficacy.
- Use commercial-grade, polymer-modified sealers. Avoid cheap, watery, diluted products.
Typical Seal Coating Frequency
Driveway Use | Climate | Reseal Frequency |
Light Duty | Moderate | 3-4 years |
Moderate Duty | Hot/Humid | 2-3 years |
Heavy Duty | Cold/Wet | 1-2 years |
Routine Inspection
Inspect the driveway twice annually, in spring and fall, for any developing issues requiring maintenance:
- Look for new cracks or deterioration like potholes, raveling, and depressions.
- Identify any drainage concerns such as birdbaths, slope issues, or shoulder erosion.
- Check for signs of subsurface moisture like soft areas or vegetation growth in cracks.
- Mark any concerns for repair to prevent further deterioration.
Routine inspections identify small problems early before they escalate into major issues. An ounce of timely prevention avoids pounds of repairs later.
How can I tell if my driveway or parking lot needs resurfacing?
As an experienced civil engineer, I would advise you to look for signs such as widespread cracking, potholes, raveling (loss of aggregate), or severe weathering and oxidation. If these issues cover a significant portion of the surface, resurfacing may be necessary.
Can I drive on my driveway or park on the lot during the resurfacing process?
No, it’s not recommended to drive or park on the surface during the resurfacing process. The asphalt needs time to cure and cool properly, and any traffic or weight on it can cause indentations, marking, or even structural damage.
How long does an asphalt resurfacing project typically last?
The lifespan of an asphalt resurfacing project can vary depending on several factors, but with proper maintenance and care, you can expect it to last anywhere from 8 to 15 years, on average.
Can I choose the color or texture of the new asphalt surface?
Yes, you have options when it comes to the color and texture of the asphalt surface. While traditional black asphalt is the most common choice, you can also select from a range of colored asphalt mixes or stamped and textured finishes.
Can I do asphalt resurfacing myself as a DIY project?
While it’s technically possible to attempt asphalt resurfacing as a DIY project, I generally wouldn’t recommend it for most homeowners or inexperienced individuals. Asphalt work requires specialized equipment, knowledge of proper installation techniques, and attention to details like grading, compaction, and material temperatures.
How much does asphalt resurfacing typically cost?
The cost of asphalt resurfacing can vary widely depending on factors such as the size of the area, the condition of the existing surface, the thickness of the overlay, and the location. However, as a general estimate, you can expect to pay between $2 to $5 per square foot for a residential driveway or parking lot resurfacing project.
How long does the resurfacing process take?
The duration of the resurfacing process can vary depending on the size of the area and any additional preparation work required. On average, a residential driveway resurfacing project can take 1-2 days, while a larger commercial parking lot could take several days to a week or more.
Can asphalt resurfacing be done in cold weather?
While it’s possible to perform asphalt resurfacing in cooler temperatures, there are limitations and increased challenges. Ideally, the ambient and surface temperatures should be above 50°F (10°C) for optimal results.
How can I maintain my newly resurfaced asphalt driveway or parking lot?
Proper maintenance is key to extending the life of your newly resurfaced asphalt surface. I recommend regular cleaning to remove debris, applying a seal coat every 2-3 years, and promptly repairing any cracks or potholes that develop.
Is it necessary to remove the existing asphalt before resurfacing?
In most cases, it’s not necessary to remove the existing asphalt surface before resurfacing, as long as the existing pavement is in relatively good condition and can provide a stable base for the new overlay. However, if the existing surface is severely deteriorated or has significant structural issues, complete removal and replacement may be required.
Can asphalt resurfacing be used on roads or highways?
Yes, asphalt resurfacing is a common practice for maintaining and extending the life of roads and highways. The techniques and materials used may differ slightly from residential or commercial applications, but the basic principles remain the same.
How can I ensure proper drainage after asphalt resurfacing?
To ensure proper drainage after asphalt resurfacing, it’s essential to maintain or adjust the existing slope and grade of the surface. Additionally, any existing drainage systems, such as catch basins or culverts, should be inspected and repaired or replaced as necessary to prevent water ponding or erosion.
Can asphalt resurfacing be used on sloped or uneven surfaces?
Yes, asphalt resurfacing can be performed on sloped or uneven surfaces, but it may require additional preparation work, such as leveling or grading, to create a stable and uniform base. In some cases, specialized techniques like milling or infrared heating may be used to address irregularities in the existing surface.
Is it possible to add markings or striping after asphalt resurfacing?
Yes, it’s possible to add markings or striping to the newly resurfaced asphalt surface. This is typically done after the asphalt has had sufficient time to cure and cool. Specialized paints or thermoplastic materials are used to create lines, symbols, or other markings for traffic control or aesthetic purposes.
How can I ensure the longevity of my asphalt resurfacing project?
To ensure the longevity of your asphalt resurfacing project, it’s essential to follow proper installation techniques, use high-quality materials, and maintain the surface through regular cleaning, seal coating, and prompt repair of any cracks or damage. Additionally, controlling drainage and managing traffic loads can help extend the life of the resurfaced pavement.
Can asphalt resurfacing be used on bridges or elevated structures?
Yes, asphalt resurfacing can be used on bridges or elevated structures, but it may require additional considerations and specialized techniques due to the unique structural requirements and load-bearing capacities of these structures.
Is asphalt resurfacing environmentally friendly?
Asphalt resurfacing can be considered an environmentally friendly practice, especially when recycled materials such as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) or recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) are incorporated into the mix. Additionally, asphalt resurfacing extends the life of existing pavements, reducing the need for complete reconstruction and the associated environmental impacts.
How can I ensure the safety of workers and the public during an asphalt resurfacing project?
To ensure the safety of workers and the public during an asphalt resurfacing project, it’s crucial to implement proper traffic control measures, such as signage, barricades, and flaggers. Additionally, workers should be equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) and trained in safe work practices. Adherence to safety protocols and regulations is essential.
Can asphalt resurfacing be used on airport runways or taxiways?
Yes, asphalt resurfacing is commonly used on airport runways and taxiways. However, these applications may involve specialized asphalt mixes and techniques to meet the stringent requirements for aircraft loading and safety.
How can I find a reputable and experienced asphalt resurfacing contractor?
To find a reputable and experienced asphalt resurfacing contractor, I recommend seeking referrals from trusted sources, checking online reviews and ratings, verifying the contractor’s licensing and insurance, and requesting references from previous projects. Additionally, it’s essential to obtain detailed quotes and compare the services and materials offered by multiple contractors before making a selection.
About the Author
Steve Axton is a licensed civil engineer and construction professional with over 25+ years of experience in asphalt materials, specifications, and roadway construction. He specializes in cost estimation, efficient paving techniques, and high-performance mix designs. Steve runs to share insights on asphalt pricing, calculation tools, and best practices with property owners and industry peers